To Jonathan Chrisawn:
Welcome to the fml!!  Re: feeding, the general consensus is to just keep
the bowl(s) full at all times.  Ferrets will not over-eat, unlike some
other pets.  From what I hear, if they're used to once-a-day feedings,
they *might* overeat or stash food for a while, until they get used to
the idea that it'll be there.  But generally, I would keep food
available 24/7.  As far as Iam's, I believe you want to stay with the
kitten formula (correct me if I'm wrong, fml'ers) I don't think the cat
formula has the correct nutrients or percentages.
Check out the FAQ, if you haven't yet, and also the STAR* database; the
latter should be useful in locating a vet in your area, both may help
you in finding out about FFZ's in Texas.  I think the STAR* database
vet listings are vets that deal with ferrets, I've found that some are
more knowledgeable about ferrets than others, but all at least should
know something about them.
Again, welcome and good luck! :-)
--edman  (Ed Atlee)
--Goose & Anastasia, ferrets-at-large, & Maggie the Labrador
[Posted in FML issue 1302]