Marshall Farms does indeed control the majority of the ferret pet/research
market.  Yet they could win so many more friends over if they would just
listen to their consumers.
Alter the kits at 7-8 weeks of age, and not ship/sell until 8 weeks of age
at a minimum.  I don't care if they are bigger and not as cute - they would
be healthier.
Alter the retired breeding ferrets and ship them out to ferret rescues as
they have room.  Not all the ferrets could be "saved", but more than there
are now.
Keep some of the older ferrets to learn what happens to their ferrets as
they hit geriatric age - adrenals, other cancers, longitivity studies, etc.
Even test their diet on them.
[Moderator's note: FYI - Judi Bell is MF's staff vet. BIG]
Hey - believe it or not - Judi Bell just called me!  Wanted to thank me for
the updated listing STAR* listing I sent her (I mentioned that the AFA is
not a shelter organization, and that 20% of the shelter addresses in her
book were wrong).  We talked for over an hour.  If she had more clout at MF,
then I do believe that the ferrets would be better off.
[Posted in FML issue 1305]