Having been in a band called "Babelfish" before, I think Zaphod & Trillian
are great ferret names; but, the danger here is that ferrets sometimes try
to live up to the names we give them.  I don't know how to tell you this,
Lauren, but my suspicion is that Z & T are building an Infinite
Improbability Drive * in your bed *!!  If this is the case, DON'T PANIC!,
but proceed with extreme caution, as having a giant sperm whale materialize
out of the ether and fall on you while you're sleeping is quite unpleasant,
both for you and the whale.
Speaking of names, where do the names Abercrombie (sp?) and Fitch come from?
Sounds familiar...also sounds like they might be a good law firm :)  Maybe
your fuzzies could set up practice and sue the pants off the State of
California! :)
Little-things-you-don't-think-of-when-ferret-proofing Dept.: Kim pointed
this out to me a while back, and we've not had a problem with it, but that
may be because we know and take precautions; but multiple,
looped-or-tied-at-the bottom drawstrings, such as those used on curtains,
blinds or vertical blinds, can pose a hanging/strangling risk.  Apparently,
this is even a problem with human children.  I know out Annie loves to check
out the view from the window- sill, so I usually put the blind-string up or
out of the way somehow.  Like I said, no problems so far, but I thought it
was worth mentioning, as I might not have thought of it on my own.
Oh, Meg C.: Friday's fml was the first I heard of your little "incident",
but, just wanted to say "Way to Go, Girl!!" I would love to have seen the
look on the thieves' faces...hope you and the fuzzies are all none the worse
for wear.  Why did they want to steal your fuzzies??  (I mean, not that
there not worth stealing for sheer cuteness, but you *can* get your own!!
:) Any chance the full story will appear on the 'net after publication in
the voice?  Maybe on the web page?
Well, once again I've taken too much space, sorry, goodbye. :)
--Ed Atlee
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Goose & Anastasia would say something cute here, but they're eating.  And
Maggie the Lab is asleep. :)
[Posted in FML issue 1330]