Hey ya'll!
Ha I get a kick of hi you all.  Down here we shorten it up.  A big thanks
to the fellow from mexico taking his ferrets out of the car.  I know he
would not hurt them on purpose.  In Louisiana where K.C.  and I live you
don't even need a car to kill a ferret or any animal, with heat stroke.  If
its over 85 it's best not to take a ferret out down here.
Awhile back someone posted about a weenierat that bit her on the eyelid to
get her up.  Well I have an alarm clock too.  K.C.  is in his cage at night
or I would have a disaster to get up to, but that doesn't deter him one bit!
He still wakes me up bright and early at 5 am whether it a work day or not.
How?  Well , He tosses his food dish around the cage.  He lays there and
flips it up over and over again, letting it bang around in the cage or he
scratches at it annoyingly.  This doesn't stop until I get up and A.Put food
in the dish,B.Remove the dish or C.  His goal, remove the ferret!  Cool mom
!  Let's skip (drag) into the bathroom to play on top of the sink!  Move
that tooth brush how can I drink?  Wow lets rearrange everything under the
sink again.  The fuuniest part of all this is that If I don't get up but I
flip the light on You see him run to the opposite end of the cage away from
the dish.  ( I was over here the whole time .  Dish?  Oh look someone must
have tipped it over , wasn't me,did it wake you?) This is an every a.m.
occurance.  It is aggravating at the time but funny when I think about it .
It has saved my a__ a time or two also.  Forgot to set the unpluggable
Well that's it sorry for the long one! Anyone else close to Monroe,
La. on the FML?
                                                Connie ZZZZZZZ...
[Posted in FML issue 1330]