To Laurel,
I have always kept collars on my two fuzzies.  Even Pixel, who had lived to
be over a year old with nary a collar in sight, adjusted to it pretty
quickly.  I buy the small cat or kitten safety collars whenever I find
them, the ones with the elastic so that the animal can free itself easily
when caught, and with a bell so that we can keep track of our carpet sharks
more easily.  Naturally, they slip their collars now and then and usually
hide them somewhere, so my husband and I keep spares around and recollar
the miscreant as soon as we notice, and the lost collars turn up eventually
in the couch, the closet, or under the rug :).
Name: Gail Snyder Shochet
E-mail: [log in to unmask] (Gail Snyder Shochet)
[Posted in FML issue 1329]