<collar gets caught on the cage>
We only collar the kids when they're out of the cage.  The bells on their
collars help us walk around and not step on the kids more than anything
else - although the bells certainly let you know when they're into
someplace that they shouldn't be!!  We also have ID tags on their collars
in case they decide to make a great escape.  (The tags are St.  Francis of
Assissi on one side and the name info on the other.  My husband once
referred to them as their St.  Christopher tags which, when you think of
it, would be quite appropriate for animals that like to wander off!)
Anyways, they sometimes wander in and out of their cage.  I haven't seen it
happen in the new cage (one of the huge cat cages on casters), but they got
the bell or collar caught in the old cage about 4 times.  Twice I found
them with their collar caught and twice I found the slipped collar caught
in the cage.  I had heard of too many animals like cats getting hung in
their collars to leave collars on our kids all the time so I wouldn't put a
collar on your little girl while she's in her cage either.
About putting collars on wiggley kids....well ferretone is a great
distractor if you're having alot of problems.  Also try to find collars that
are simple to take on and off.  I found collars with metal buckles to be the
most difficult - try getting it in the right hole while somebody is being
real wiggley!  Try to find collars where the "buckle" slides together and
you have to push a part in and pull to get the collar open.  (The Marshall
collars are like this and you can get them from Ferret Outfitters.)
I found it takes a while, but the kids eventually realize that if they sit
still and get their collars put on, they can go run and be crazy.
Especially since we hang onto them longer, delaying play, if they are too
rambunctious.  Good luck!!  :)
-kim, mike, Squirt (thinks collars are something straight out of _1984_),
Pippi (deposed champion collar slipper), Atlas (looks cute in his baby blue
collar), and Hijinx (current champion collar slipper)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 1329]