Over the past few weeks one or more of my four fuzzies have stopped using
the litter box.  We've been fine for well over a year, but suddenly poops
and urine appear against the wall by one of the litter boxes, directly in
front of another litter box, and in the middle of the bottom level of the
cage (6 inches away from that litter box).
I have also noticed that my ferrets avoid the linoleum floor of the cage
(same level as the litter box in the cage).  They'll drink water while
standing on the ramp, and I've even watched one stretch himself from the
ramp to the litter box, doing everything he can to avoid touching the floor.
This just seems so darn odd.  I clean the litterboxes and the floor
everyday.  I've cleaned up their mistakes and even used a product to remove
the scent of the poop/urine so that they could not smell it (forget the
name, but it is an enzyme based liquid sold at pet stores and packaged in a
white bottle with red lettering - Nature's something or other), but to no
Any help here would be appreciated as this is getting frustrating and messy.
Thanks in advance to all!!!
Regards... Russ Hazzon                [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1329]