>From:    Donald DiPaula <[log in to unmask]>
>Has anyone else heard their ferret(s) scream?
My Beckett was just a few months old when I had a group of friends over my
apartment.  Eric (one of the friends) was doing laundry (because he doesn't
have a washer and dryer at his house).  Beckett was trying to help by
stealing socks.  He (Eric) was getting frustrated and snapped Beckett with a
towel.  Not hard, mind you.  I think he really just made that pop noise in
the air.  Beckett freaked!  His hair stood straight out so that he looked
like a bottle brush and he took off running.  What he (Beckett) didn't
figure was that Eric FOLLOWED him.  When Beckett came to a dead end (my
bedroom door was closed) he turned around and there was Eric.  He let out a
bloody murder scream at the site of this hulking man grinning down at him.
Three rapid....  umm...  sounds...  very like an angry grackle!  I smacked
Eric upside the head for hurting my baby, only to find out he hadn't TOUCHED
the ferret when he screamed, just LOOKED at him.  Then I got smacked upside
MY head when I said I'd scream too if I turned around to see Eric.
Back to high temperatures.  Even if you have a transition period, I do not
believe a ferret could live in a car.  The green-house effect and all that,
it gets pretty darn hot in there.  Even with the windows partly down.  I
think I heard it could get to over 110 F.  Any animals I've seen housed
outside have wire cages which let the air breeze through.  They're in plenty
of shade as well.  A wire cage in a glass-windowed car doesn't do any good.
People live without a/c, sure, but they have fans, and they open windows.  I
lived in Puerto Rico without a/c for three years and it didn't get 110
degrees (F) (though it felt like it many days).  Does the article you quoted
said they could LIVE in the extreme temperatures?  I only read 'introduced'
which could mean taking your fuzzies out in the snow for an hour.  It was
just a little ambiguous for me.
As far as the motor of a car goes... I've never owned a new car, I don't
know about modification that may have been made but two of my past cars I
KNOW you could get into dangerous places. I guess you're safe with a new
car, or an old car that you know about. I'm going to have to check my
new/old car I have now. :)
Well, that's all for now!
ahn and jon and the dogs, cats, and rats... erm... fer-rats.
[Posted in FML issue 1329]