I think it was Nicole who asked for suggestions about taking ferrets on
trips...as a veteran travelling ferret family, we've made all the mistakes
except heat exhaustion. When you bring them to less-than-ferret-friendly
homes, ask if you can take over a bathroom for the night (if there is an
extra one), most have tile (wont stain) and an exhaust fan (to get rid of
the odor that I dont smell on my ferrets).
If the bathroom isnt an option, just take the kids for lots of walks while
you are visiting. They will love the new scenery and love getting out of
the travel cage. For more ferret-friendly homes, ours run free (after a
thorough ferret-proofing check) in the room that we stay in, and we bring
our own litterboxes with us.
When we travel in the car we always take precautions against temperature
extremes, provide food and an ice cube in the water dish (they cant spill
the ice cube and it melts about as fast as 1 ferret will drink). Then we
stop about every 3 hours to let the ferrets run on leashes and get a real
drink (try water fountains, our fuzzies love'em). Make absolutely sure
fuzzy vaccinations are up-to-date and bring proof just in case.
good travels!
ps. Molly, Emma, Grover, and Boo-Boo want me to remind you not to forget
to bring plenty of raisins (and/or other treats)! They claim this is more
important than ANYTHING else. Molly suggests packing one suitcase full of
raisins, and one with nutrical. She's sitting on my foot waiting for treats
as I type!
[Posted in FML issue 1282]