Hi Diane--Re: ferrets and dogs (Nicki/Rocket)
Labs aren't 'hunting' dogs per se, they're retrievers.  They are usually
very friendly loving dogs.  It doesn't sound as if this particular dog
has much of a killer instinct.  There have been lots of great ferret/dog
stories on the FML recently, and they can really enjoy playing with each
other.  *However* a dog can also easily kill a ferret, and there are some
dogs who kill small animals.  So it is always necessary to introduce them
*slowly* to each other (but I'm willing to bet that yours will become
friends.) If anything, ferrets tend to drive dogs (and cats) nuts.
Max the dog ("get them away from me")
Cinderella ("but he's got good stuff in his dish")
Ralph ("he smells good")
Norm ("can he get the raisins off the counter for us?")
[Posted in FML issue 1293]