Today I found a strange stool in the litter pan, it was half normal and half
green, like birdseeds some white other dark green.  It's the second or third
time I've seen this in the last three weeks.  Could this be a sign of ECE?
She (Bogie) has been eating well and behaves normal, the only thing I
can remember is that she eat a tiny piece of soap that she got from.... Who
knows? maybe another dimension!
I searched through all of the FML files that I have to see if someone else
reported a similar problem and found just one that said it was probably ECE.
I hope it is not!  Bogie is supposed to be a MF Ferret (she's got the two
blue points in the right ear and we know she came from NY) and she has not
been in touch with any other Ferrets but those at the pet store, all of them
from MF too.  Since they (MF) don't have any ECE problems I guess the
possibilities of getting the virus are almost nil.
Any idea of what it could be?
Thanks in advance for any response.
Arizona, Consultores en Sistemas
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Isabel -my wife- (Hey you little thief!... give me back my shoe!)
Barbara -my daughter- (Dad can I give her some raisins?...
can I have some Too?)
Bogie (I brake for raisins! ;-))
Sally -golden
retriever- (What are you?...Dad please!...get her AWAY from me! She's trying
to smell my behind!)
[Posted in FML issue 1292]