I am not sure I'm doing this right but here goes. My boyfriend and I have
broken up, between us we have three ferrets, Gee(1yr 5mos), Hersey( 1yr)
and Rags (8mos). In this separation he gets Gee and I get Hersey and Rags.
They all get along very well. Gee is the ring leader, Hersey's the loner
who likes to get into the playfights and Rags is the mischieviuos clown,
he is always trying to get the best of Gee but he usually gets his silly
butt kicked. Anyway, my question is what is going to happen to them? They
really like each other, I don't want Gee to be all alone, that is why we
got her 2 companions. Have any of your fuzzies gone through this? How did
they react to the separation? How will I react to this separation?
Aurora Deshauteurs
Drexel University
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[Posted in FML issue 1291]