>Elmo has been doing weird stuff lately.  For the past few months he will
>come up to me and start giving me what I call baby licks.  Not a full
>tongue lick but tiny little licks all over my arm then all of a sudden
>CHOMP!!  This isn't your standard chomp but he gets ahold of some skin and
>WON'T let go.  Has anyone else experienced this?
Does he bite hard enough to hurt, or does he grip you strongly, and pull?
I once had a ferret who would do the same thing, then grab hold of my
finger, and pull on it.  I would pull back, thinking that he wanted to play
tug of war.  One day, I let him pull, and followed him (crawling on all
fours).  He "dragged" me across the room, pulled my hand under the desk,
and attempted to take me into the bottom drawer, through the back.
That's where he kept his favorite squeaky toys.
P.S.  Nancy has recovered from the shock of meeting all the other ferrets
at the Tri-State Frisky Ferrets, but not from the shock of the flea baths
afterwards.  :(
[Posted in FML issue 1289]