Our ferrets taught me a big message in organization and motivation.
We decided to move our ferrets from our bed room in to my office at home.
We always have between 4-6 ferrets.  My wife was tired of getting her foot
bit and I figured in my study so they could be out of the cage most of the
Well anyway I moved the cage and then the ferrets into the study.  I have 6
computers in my office and it is usally in a state of chaos.  (cases off,
boards, disks, and boxes all over the place.  The ferrets took off like they
were possessed.  With in minutes 1 had decided to crawl into a new Pentium
133 I didnot have a case on yet.  Another climbed onto one of the desks
lauched himeself on a pile of 200 or so disks, tipped them over and went
flying, danced back over and proceded to "do his duty on them"(I guess he
was mad at the disks).  Another one found a n open box which had a New
Robitics V-everything modem($500 or so) and proceded to start dragging it
around the room.
I was in virtual shock, realize this and more happened in a period of a
couple of minutes.  Our blind ferret had climbed on my lap and I think I
just about petted her fur off.
Cleaning my office had always been a pain and our housekeeper wouldn't touch
it.  So when you entered the office(28 x 26) it kind of looked like you had
entered someone else's house.  I took three days off and finally cleaned and
organized the room.
Now our little guys help me keep it clean by gratiously pointing the new box
that hasn't been put away, disks I haven't put back in the case., The days I
spent organizing turned into a 3 day Xmas.  I found a lot of stuff I didnot
even know I had.
Hmm, I wonder if the ferrets can set up a garage sale and sell some of it
for us.
It is great having htem around. We have 3 dogs, a cat, and salt fish. And as
much of a dog lover I am, the ferrets are turning into my favorites.
[Posted in FML issue 1289]