Dear Sean Youngquist;
    When Timmy was missing in February, I was just about to give up, I
didn't find him for 3 days, nor even remains from a run in with the 6 lane
highway 200' away.  A couple of people said they have had ferrets return a
week later, so keep food & water out.  Also they can stray a couple of
blocks, so widen the search & keep posting notices with the word REWARD!
People who might know & don't care will be moved by that.  (sad but
sometimes true).  Anyway, the next day I went a block further & a guy in
the liquor store said a lady next door told him she found a ferret.
    Went & knocked, no one home...  Left a notice taped to the fence.  Went
to the end of block, across street & polled the mobil home parks &
businesses.  Saw the post gone from the fence.  Found the lady's husband
home, confirmed they found a ferret, & he brought out my Timmy, skinny &
dirty but not hurt at all!  This was really amazing as I was told his wife
BUT NOT HITTING HIM!  Everytime I think of that I thank God and many of his
helpers!  It was an answer that not just for my & Timmy's benefit that he be
ok, but that other people & ferrets could benefit from what he went thru.
    Moral of story: DON'T GIVE UP!  Expand your search, print more flyers,
say REWARD!  I gave the guy what few dollars I had in my pocket.  Later that
evening, the parents & young daughter showed up & gave me a bottle of ferret
shampoo they bought, & asked if their daughter could have her picture taken
with Timmy.  I of course said yes, paid them for the shampoo they bought,
and profusely thanked them again.  I was going to tell them Susanne's phone
number as I suggested that there was a shelter that often had ferrets that
needed homes, but I noticed the dad shaking his head so only I could see...
I remembered they had a yard full of dogs & cats....
    Timmy is still my miracle child twice over, and still happy & healthy
today, for which I'm humbly grateful.
    Take care, have faith..  Gary
PS:     Having now read your next post that he's back, I'm very glad, but
will post this anyway as it may help someone else...:)  G.
[Posted in FML issue 1288]