A brief note;
I hope that you will allow me to ask you one more time to get involved and
write or E-Mail your Congressman and Senators, in fact talk to everyone that
you can regarding the Endangered Species Act.   Time is very important at
this point to let those who legislate in our country know that the Act is not
a Repulican or Democratic issue but an issue of life.  With all of the
theories on both sides of the issue flying in all directions the one that is
never stated is the theory of Common Sense.
If you destroy enough forms of life in the name of Civilization it just makes
sense that somewhere along the line it will probably affect us and more than
likely our children.  You just can't destroy it all and eliminate populations
and try to do a scientific quick fix when its all gone to try to repair the
damage.  Once a species of life is gone, it is gone forever.  This loss of
wide scale loss of life created by one self endulgent species is unexcusable
and must be stopped by thinking reasonable people.
To the Honorable _____________________________________
The Endangered Species Act, America's landmark environmental law, protects us
by safeguarding our nation's wealth of plants and animals for alll Americans
to enjoy and benefit from, now and in the future. I urge you to support a
strengthened Endangered Species Act that:
......... emphasizes an ecosystem approach to protecting species;
......... increases the level of funding for implementation of the act;
......... enhances the role of states in conserving endangered and threatened
species and their habitats;
......... and encourages private landowners to conserve listed species
through financial and technical assistance.
The endangered Species Act is a lifeline for more than 900 species, helping
them stabilize and recover through the creative, cooperative efforts of
government, the scientific community, business and private citizens.
(enter your own thoughts here)
(you must tell them who you are and where you live, it impacts their vote)
This is a major issue that can not be resolved if we take the wrong direction
and make the wrong choices.  No matter what your religious teaching and
background a respect for life and a oneness with life around us is a reality
that can not be ignored.  The circle of life is completely related to every
living organism on our planet and we do not know for certain which of those
life forms is the key item that holds up the chain of life that goes on to
supports humankind which is on the top of the food chain.
This is not fear mongering, it is just plain old common sense, you just don't
allow someone to cut the legs off the ladder when your standing on the top.
I have set up a special box to receive any response you may like to send.
But there really is nothing you can say to me that I probably won't already
agree with.  It is time to let those who claim to speak for us that this
ignorance can not stand.
[Posted in FML issue 1287]