To Carol Anne Smith:
>Unfortunately, they brought ECE w/ them.  I knew it was a risk, since the
>shelter had been hit ...  the "ulcer".  It's amazing how far down your
>heart can sink when you realize that you are dealing w/ this dreaded virus
>(or whatever, I understand that Dr.Williams still isn't sure if it's a
    We're sure it's a virus now.  We've recently isolated viral DNA from
ferret feces.  Sorry that your vet didn't make the connection, but the
transmission ot your other ferrets, and the history of coming from the
Milwaukee shelter is pretty conclusive.
>Rudy the Ferlosopher: I've been quoting you, when you said "A sick ferret is
>a drain on the soul".  Indeed!  It's been a very sad and silent apartment
>for a little over a week.  They are on Metronizidole and Amoxi every 12 hrs.
>The Metron makes them foam at the mouth, and they all spit all over me and
>my husband.  Fleurette needs to be restrained for a few minutes after the
>Metron b/c she scratches the inside of her mouth w/ her claws.
    I would suggest probably stopping the Metronidazole.  If your vet was
treating for Helicobacter, it may be indicated.  IF he was treating for
ulcers only, I think it's overkill.  And it certainly won't do anything for
ECE, and it sounds like it's really stressing your ferrets out.  You should
continue the Amoxi for about ten daysfrom the date it was prescribed.
Bruce Williams, DVM, DACVP
Dept. of Vet Path, AFIP
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Chief Pathologist, AccuPath
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[Posted in FML issue 1285]