Hi Ferret Lovers!
And there are any of you out there!  Thank you for all of your
support/recommendations/stories ...  it really helped.
An update to my little temporary houseguest.  Last Thursday we got a call
from the Bossart's saying that they would take her and try to "rehabilitate"
her.  When we brought her over to drop her off she was put in a cage with 2
other ferrets around the same age.
We were watchng her and sure enough ...  she acts up with one of the little
guys in the cage.  I have never seen a ferret do this before ..  she had
him cornered between the litter box and the side of the cage.  He actually
arched his back and opened his mouth bearing his teeth at her!!  Almost
like a cat ...  I couldn't believe it.  Even HE knew she was bad news!
So, we kept on watching her and saw another "trait" of hers that I've never
seen her try with my guys.  She actually "stalked" the little boy (twice)
by crawling under a blanket, sneaking up on him, and attacking with (what I
call) the crocodile rip and tear method!  After that she was taken out and
put in solitary confinement, and the little boy was comforted (it was very
traumatic for him).
So, I haven't heard anything from the Bossart's, yet, on her ...  attitude
readjustment.  I guess they are going to try to figure out what it is that
upsets her (other ferrets?  trying to be dominate?, etc...) and work from
Thanks to everyone to responded on the FML and privately!!  I know I'm not
the only one who has a biter like her!!  I hope we'll all hear some good
news on her progress soon from the Bossart's (for their sake as well as
[Posted in FML issue 1285]