Hi all, I have good news.  Rex is feeling better!  This morning, I had to
pick up the contents of my desk wastebasket!  He hasn't done that in weeks!
Imagine that, he feels good enough to get back into trouble!  I was so happy
picking up that paper!  I want to thank tle for the very helpful e-mail.  I
do believe that made all the difference.  Rex is usually a pig when it comes
to eating.  I took tle's suggestions and did the following. In addition to
the prednisone-laced amoxicillin, I fed him the following mixture:
         One jar Chicken baby food
         3 tbsp karo syrup
         1 1/2 cups baby cereal-oatmeal with banana  (Rex's favorite fruit)
         Pedialyte - enough to make a smooth mush
I put the above in the food processor and fed him every 4 hours all day
yesterday and again this morning.  He loved it!  I don't know if the
proportions are balanced as far as a diet goes, but he's eating now.  Also,
I noticed his teeth are terribly discolored and I'm wondering if he has
cavities.  Since I have been feeding him this mixture, he has not been
interested in the Iams kitten food that I feed the zoo here.  I'm hoping we
are past the danger point.  I still don't know what is wrong with him.  I
can assume it was heat-related, especially due to the dehydration.  I will
continue the feedings and the meds and see what happens next.  He's also not
going directly to sleep after meals, he is starting to _lurk_ around my room
again!  Hope this helps someone else who's fuzzie is feeling poorly.  Good
day to all......
A grateful Vicki
Rex, "I'm feeling better, Mom!"
Keesha, "Mom, will Rex EVER play with me!"
Simba, "Gee, that looks good, can I have some?"
And the two felines, Samantha and Brie, who don't know what the fuss is all
about,  "Ferrets?  Sheesh!!!"
[Posted in FML issue 1285]