Thanks for your help.  Our two adopted ferrets did not like ferretone, they
were uninterested whenever it was offered to them, unlike our original guy
who loves it.  We tried your method of scruffing and then putting a dab on
the tongue, which they fought off until they actually tasted it.  Now they
are both ferretone fanciers!
Ken, Crissy, Courtney & Morgan (the devoted, bipedal, vassals)
Tequila (Double Yellowhead Parrot)
Honey (Quarter Horse (kept off-site so that ferrets do not eat her ;-))
Tiffany Crystal (Toy Poodle)
Samantha (senior Cat)
Sara (Terrier mix)*
Joe Cocker (Cocker Spaniel)*
Katie (Chihuahua)
Princess (Cat)
Jackie & Julie ((Queen Mother & Daughter) Pugs)*
Samson, Paula & Garth ((The Furry Trinity) Ferrets)*
Vincent Van Gogh ((has crumpled left ear) Cat)*
[Posted in FML issue 1282]