Hi Nancy--You've got a difficult situation there, but I definitely
wouldn't give up...
>I thought she was getting better (wishfull thinking?)
she may very well be getting better; she may also have 'relapses' from
time to time; it really can take quite a while for a serious biter to
come around.
>...I smiled to...  give him a kiss back, when ..SHE BIT ME...  hard and
yikes!...for the time being, I'd be careful about not letting her get
into situations where she can catch you off guard.
>I don't know what/if I'm doing anything wrong?!?!?
    you might not be doing anything wrong--it really takes time
and patience to work with a biter.
>Is being around other ferrets not helping her?
    does she like other ferrets? If so, I think it's helpful;
she can also start to pick up *good* behavior from them, plus
I think it's important for her to socialize if she wants to
(if it's stressful for her, you may want to reconsider).
>Should I pay more attention to her?
    Yes! lots of love and attention is very helpful; she
needs to learn how to interact with *humans*; remember that
*biting is entirely acceptable to other ferrets.*
>Someone who has alot of experience with ferrets told me to pinch
>her thigh when she has a bite hold on me because she'll immediately
>let go.
    aagh!  I think this is a bad idea.  Myself, whenever Norm gets a bite
hold on another ferret (or when he bit me) I put my fingers on his
nostrils.  He has to let go to breathe.  But hurting someone back when they
are hurting you can very well lead to increased aggression.  I don't
remember if you said she was abused or not (neglected?) If she has been
abused, I think hurting her will make things worse.  (I personally don't
think it's a good idea anyway.)
>Well, a couple of nights after the eye incident I offered her my
>wrist (to test her)
    aagh! I strongly advise against deliberately trying to test her.
I think it's asking for trouble.
>There is no way she can be adopted out to someone who has no experience
with ferrets.
    Yes, this is true! Even after she becomes very loving, *do not adopt
her out to someone who doesn't know she might bite.* It isn't fair to
either of them.
>...after she bit my eye,we put her in the cage for a "timeout"
and she started scratching at the floor to get out.I yelled NO!
and I actually saw her stop, lie flat, and sigh.
    Great! You found something that's effective as well as humane!
This sounds to me like progress!
>Even when you scruff her, she'll hang there and NEVER sigh or yawn!
>Stubborn? Obstinate?
    ferrets are stubborn, it's their nature :-)
>Mentally impaired??
    not necessarily; stubborn can also mean you persist until you
achieve what you want; it can be a very good trait as well.
>.. never encountered a ferret like her before.
    It doesn't mean she is 'bad'--she has just had a rough past
and needs time, patience and love.
>Can any of you relay a story to me like her .. where the outcome
was good?
    Really, Norm was a serious biter (from abuse). He is now a very
sweet, loving, *vulnerable* ferret. But I still do not play with him
with my hands, let him get near my face, etc. Also, it took quite a
while (months). And he occasionally will bite, which is why you would
need to be *very* selective about who adopts her.
>I need some ... encouragement.
    It's okay to get discouraged, ferret bites hurt!! But don't take it
personally--it isn't you, it's her past circumstances.
>I think she'd be a wonderful little girl to someone .. maybe, someday?
    definitely! she will be one of the most special ferrets to you
when she does come around, I guarantee it. And it's great that you're
working with her! It takes a very dedicated person to do that...
Best wishes & keep us posted :-)
[Posted in FML issue 1282]