Well, last Friday, I noticed Buster wasn't feeling too well again.  Last time
he was feeling bad, we never came to a firm conclusion of what it was, but
Dr. Williams suggested it might be a helicobacter infection.
This time around it has similar, ony much worse.  Saturday I noticed he had
a fever, something I don't recall him having before, and his spleen/lymph
system flaired up.  He was still getting around OK, but that is when he
stopped eating.  I stocked up on the Gerbers right then.  When I woke up
Monday morning, I noticed he had really taken a turn for the worse, and was
tring to vomit.  We immediately went to the vet.  He is the most
knowlegable ferret vet around here, but in a FFZ, that sometimes doesn't
mean a whole lot.  He is the same guy I took him too before.  When I first
talked to him, he started talking about spleen problems and removal etc.  I
didn't say much then, but he came back later and said that it *could* be a
helicobacter infection and that removal of the spleen isn't practiced much
any more.  Whew!  I was glad he subscribed to an online service.  I also
gained a little more respect for him, even if he did use staples.  (I think
he talked with Dr. Rosenthal).  The doc gave me Baytril to give him twice
a day--to go along with the pepto I had already been giving him.
Anyway, He still has a slight fever, and isn't in much of a mood to eat.
I'm getting better at dealing with it though, but boy do I have respect for
people who have to take care of multiple kids with ECE.  Lately, I've ended
up just using the syringe as a spoon.  He can take bigger licks that way,
and is more tolerant.  But he still isn't eating but maybe 1/2 a jar of
Gerbers a day, and water/pedialite is the more difficult thing to deal with.
My question is how much should I make sure gets down him?  Also, should his
fever have broken by now?  I anticipate his appetite returning when it does.
And WHEN we finally make it thru this mess, how can I prevent another
reoccurance?  (He doesn't like it, and I don't like arguing with him about
eating every 4 hours).
I've also noticed about two weeks ago he was shedding (fur thinning).  Now
with the fever, it has gotten pretty bad.  No bald spots or anything, but
his fur is very rough and thin.  His skin has also appeared to be irritated
in places.  Is this a symptom or a coincidence?  It is also so sad to see
him so weak, especially his back legs and feet.  His feet are still slightly
curled into a ball when he walks around (which isn't often).  Does anybody
have any other suggestions?  The fact that he still has a fevor really bugs
Danny Williams
[Posted in FML issue 1282]