I really feel for all of those people out there that have lost a ferret
recently.  It is difficult to move forward when a loved one has left us.
I do think that it is high time for a cute story. I have to relate what
happened last weekend with our little man Zonker.  He has adpoted a
stuffed ball that jingles when you roll or shake it as his toy. Anyway my
boyfriend and I started rolling the ball down our hallway to each other
and Zonker started chasing it back and forth.  "ferret in the middle" was
what we started to call it. Back and forth, we would roll the ball and
Zonker would race after it donking all the way. This went on for a while,
at least 15 mins. and then BANG it was like the light went on in his
head. He ran half way down the hall and then did a quick u-turn and ran
back to sit next to me.  He just gave me that look like "I am not stupid.
I know he's going to roll it back to you."  We just feel down on the
floor laughing.  Now whenever I am playing with Zonker and I roll the
ball anywhere near my boyfriend ZOnker just comes back to me and waits.
Guess he did not like being the ferret it the middle.
                "Was that a giant floral pucka that just bounded by?"
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[Posted in FML issue 1271]