Hello my name is Amber I'm 13 I have a ferret named Harley ferret. The
pet store said he is a Silver Mitt. I have some questions to ask I want
another ferret for my brother. We live in Iowa by Cedar Rapids and I was
wondering if you had any ferrets you dont want if so please tell me!
I love fererets and my ferret seems lonley,I also would like to know if any
Iowans belong to the Ferret Fanciers Club and if we can get some information
I have one more question My ferret seems to have fleas I was wondering how
to destroy then without harming my 4 dogs 4 cats. 6 cavies, rabbits,or my
ferret. my ferret also bites my 1 cat Saucer to hard and hurts her can I
teach him not to bite??
Soory for the long lettter here is my adress please write to SHOEMAKERC.
me on ferret if you can
Amber and Harley Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 1280]