Thought I'd add something and give Jimbo a bit to think about.  I've
mentioned I work in security system design for the Feds.  One project in my
division is a test deployment of a sensor system for INS.  It is a heartbeat
and breathing detector that will be used to check at international borders
for illegal aliens in trunks etc. as cars drive by.  Any enforcement stops
would be made further down the road to add to the confusion of how the bust
was made.  We have used this sensor in other applications and can reliably
detect a mouse at 50 feet.  People would be no problem.
While this is a pure test right now, and the system is expensive, the trend
in this area is for cheaper and better.  It is a long way from being
deployed by states at their borders, but someday - who knows.  I just want
to give you smugglers a very long term heads up that you will need to refine
your methods.   We could pick up ferrets on the fly with roadside detectors
using current equipment.  Hopefully, there will be no FFZs to enforce by
then.  Even if there is, no system is unbeatable.  Only somebody who can
play with the system can know its limitations.  I like to play (my ferrets
do too -  Jenn Eric).
Jimbo, I'm not the enemy it might seem.  I took an oath to defend the
constitution and I figured the best way to effect change is to steer from
the inside.  As Dr. Williams mentioned a while ago, the best way for ferrets
to be legal on military bases is for the base vet to say they are OK.  That
word is worth hundreds of other voices to the base commander.  I try to do
the same with how technology is used.  Don't forget, I own ferrets in an FFZ
and have for many years.  There are bad interpretations of the law and not
all of us in the gov. want to control everybody else.  We have to live here
   ( )--(a)
   (@=@=) \     Till next time.......Rudy the ferlosopher
   O__)  \ \___
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[Posted in FML issue 1280]