To whoever it was that asked:
Our ferrets, having proven predatory instincts (killed a family of our
gerbils), are kept strictly away from all rats, gerbils, and birds in our
house.  So no, they don't exactly get along. :)
Although we haven't witnessed Gretchen actually eating, we have witnessed
her passing a couple normal stools -- so she must be eating something,
even if it's just a little bit.  Kirk picked up some jars of all meat baby
food and yesterday I made an attempt at force feeding her through a
syringe.  She fought the whole time, but I got about three-quarters worth
of 15cc's into her.  Took me a little bit to get the proper method, which
was in the back of the mouth on the tongue so she couldn't either spit it
out or choke on it.  Yesterday evening, I had Kirk hold her and gave her
another 20cc's.  This time she fought much less and in between mouthfuls,
attempted to lick at the syringe -- that full tummyu yesterday morning
must have felt good!  We still had to scruff her because she was wiggling
everywhere, but she was willing to eat the stuff.  We have two jars each
of chicken, beef, and veal, with three jars of Turkey and Rice.  I'm
giving her the all meat ones at the moment (even those Dr. Williams
suggests chicken and rice) because of the higher protein content.
Meet my pets.  The ferrets (Taz, Coffee, Daphne, Tia, Gretchen and Nameless),
the gerbils (31 permanent residents and various babies), the zebra mouse
(Racer), the rats (five of them), the budgie (Sky), the cockatiel (Summer),
and the fish (various).
[Posted in FML issue 1280]