Bill Killian, has *another* controversial thread started?  :)
While I have not had some of the experiences you've had, I have had
a few of my own.  We're sort of isolated here in upstate NY - I only
know of one of other breeder in this area - there may be more, I just
don't know them.  I don't really do any traveling either, so my show
exposure has been somewhat limited as well.
But, I have attended a small number of shows, I have had telephone
conversations, and I have silently questioned some of the ethics and
practices of "those who should know better."
How ironic this morning, that following Bill's post about ethics is
someone who purchased a kit from a breeder who apparently "didn't
notice" that the kit had diarrhea; the breeder has so many ferrets
it slipped by.  That kind of thing shouldn't happen!
Not everyone - breeders or shelters - mentions they've had ECE.  I
know this first hand having experienced it myself, and from the many
telephone conversations I've had (I'm not implying this particular
kit had ECE, I'm using it as another example of, IMO, bad practices,
I've heard of breeders continuing to breed cannabalistic mothers because
"she makes nice babies".  From what I've read, this is a genetic trait
passed from generation to generation....why would anyone continue to
breed such a fault just for pretty babies?
At one show I went to, it was an extremely hot day and there was no AC.
Towards the end of the day, ferrets were collapsing like flies.  It was
awful.  I had left my in the hotel room right next door.  When I saw
what was happening, I asked if I really needed my ferret if I got called
back.  I was told absolutely yes, no ferret, no ribbon.  So I said
@#$% the ribbon.  Well, I *did* get called back and I told the judge
it was too hot for my ferret and she said no problem, and gave me the ribbon.
I will NEVER forget her for that.  Now, the person who told me I absolutely
needed the ferret in the ring, is a well-known, established Southern
breeder.  What about the welfare of the ferrets?  Are people so blinded
by ribbons and prestige (I don't want to include money, because there
really isn't any) that they totally lose sight of what's important?
I have been really disappointed with some of the practices I am aware of.
Thank God for the FML where I have found that there still are some people
out there who *do* use good judgement and common sense when dealing with
so many little ferret lives.
Debbie Riccio
DJR Ferrets
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1280]