Since we're on the subject of allergies, I think I have a skin allergy to
the oil ferrets produce.  Whenever I am holding one of our gang and he/she
becomes frightened and starts getting that frightened, oily feeling, my
hands and arms start itching.  I REALLY noticed it at the show on Saturday
when we bought Nameless.  He's not neutered, so is quite musky.  After he
slept in my arms for a while, I noticed my skin was itching like fire on
my arms and hands and the skin was covered with small red bumps -- exactly
how it looked when I had eczema when I was a kid.
I think this is my first (semi?) official allergy. :)
Meet my pets.  The ferrets (Taz, Coffee, Daphne, Tia and Gretchen), the
gerbils (31 permanent residents and various babies), the zebra mouse
(Racer), the rats (five of them), the budgie (Sky), the cockatiel (Summer),
and the fish (various).
[Posted in FML issue 1278]