My male, age six months, is very ill.
Sunday 8/6 I found a puddle of blood, mixed with a clear, mucus-y
liquid on our bathroom floor. My first though was my too "elderlies".
But they were fine, as was my third female.
Donovan had been fine, chasing the cats, pigging out.  But, he wasn't
coming when called and he's the one who always does.  My husband found him
under the hutch, sleeping there is normal.  He came out with a lot of
coaxing.  Seemed real sleepy but okay.  No blood.  Then a bit later, we saw
him straining.  No results, but his anus was a little bloody.  Okay, it's
him.  We put him in his cage - alone.  The paper was fresh so we could see
if he was able to pass anything.  I gave him some petromalt/ferritone mix.
That he ate, but no food and only a minimal amount of water.  The vet heard
my story and said to meet him.
Temp of 103.  A very runny stool (no blood) after temp taking.  (The
petromalt already??) No pain on examination, tummy nice and soft.  Color
good.  Breathing okay.  Heart normal.  Nothing missing and we are pretty
well ferret proofed (I know, no one is 100%, no matter what they think!)
Antibiotic injection and liquid to give at home.  Watch closely, call in
Today he's not eaten, pooped or pee'd. He "woke up" when I took him out
of the cage to give him his med, but he wasn't anything like normal.
Went back in the cage with no fuss and went right back to sleep. One
possitive sign, he is way cooler. Last night he was hot to the touch.
This is a very good vet, very ferret knowlegable. Still, any ideas or
extra info will help. Also anything I should try or watch for?? I will
call from work ... but I don't plan on staying all day. This guy will
need some hand feeding if nothing else 'cause we're at about 16 hours
without food.
Thank you
[Posted in FML issue 1278]