And silly me, I thought the posts about ECE were controversial.
In the past 3 days or so I've received more mail about this Tribrissen mess
than in one month of ECE bickering.  It seems I let it go on for too long,
or not long enough, or I shouldn't have let the subject start to begin with,
or was that the non-Tribrissen posts I shouldn't have allowed???
Four people unsubscribed because of it, (two on either "side", naturally),
somehow thinking that would be fitting punishment for me.  I haven't gotten
any death threats yet, but it's only Monday.
To all of which, I now publicly respond: Grow up!  This is a list where we
*discuss* ferret related issues.  If you expect to always hear one side of
a situation without controversy, you've got the WRONG list!  I try hard to
let things go on long enough so that all sides are heard.  Yes, this means
that sometimes some people are going to be unhappy.  But, thus, if my error
is to allow a certain freedom of speech, please consider the alternative.
Your feedback is appreciated, I assure you.  How does it go: it's when you
*stop* writing that I should worry?
[Posted in FML issue 1278]