Hello to everyone!
This is my first post to the FML so I'll first star by introducing my
family.  Until two weeks ago we were only three, my loving wife, her
daughter and me, we live in Mexico City where having a ferret is legal,
breeding is not (don't know why!).  Then came along Bogie (Bogie = house
elf) a beautiful sable female ferret (I've had lots of pets in my life but
never a ferret).  It's been just two weeks and I think I'm already a victim
of ferret math, now I want to buy a male a saw at the pet store when we got
Bogie, my wife says I'm crazy because we are also waiting for our dog to be
born!, my sister has a golden retriever (female) named sally and she's
having babies next month (the dog not my sister LOL), we are keeping a
female!  (I love dogs), we are still trying to think of a good name for her
but haven't come up with one, any suggestions?
Well, now to the subject.
Three days ago I noticed a tiny bold spot on the head of Bogie, the skin
looked normal and it was almost imperceptible, this morning the spot looks
some how bigger and the skin orange!, I cleaned her with a cotton and water
and the color came off, maybe it's blood but I'm not sure (I really hope it's
not). Any ideas of what it could be? Tomorrow I'm taking her to the doctor.
Sending my heart out for all of you who have lost a furry friend
Manuel Alcantara Acosta
E-Mail: [log in to unmask] (welcome any mail from FMLer's)
voice +52 (5) 605-3041 fax +52 (5) 605-2231
BG: Than you for making us feel at home! and for doing a great job.
[Posted in FML issue 1277]