[Moderator's note: OK, this is the last post.  Please send follow-ups to
the people involved as I won't be posting them here.  Thanks.  BIG]
With regard to the recent report on Tribrissen, comments and responses from
people of FML -- I could hardly believe what I read in the letter attacking
the Cheesemans from Kelleen Andrews.  And an attack was what it was.  I went
back through FML and re-read the Cheeseman's letter.  It seemed to be a
fairly factual statement on the drug, and other drugs, and the neccesity of
reporting reactions.  And other comments, I read as I would anyone else's
comments, as a right to speak an opinion   --  which is something that
Kelleen seems willing to do in a very nasty manner.  While I respect her
right to speak out, I really to not like to read personal attacks against any
of us who subscribe to FML.  I found it  distressing and uncalled for.
Comments in opposition can be made without becoming viotrolic.
I frequently read of methods, medications and treatments that I am not in
agreement with, and that I know have caused problems, and reactions in
ferrets -- but -- different strokes for different folks.
None of us are in agreement all of the time, but I think your letter,
Kelleen, should have been addressed off-line - as you stated the Cheesemans
should have done.  And, please, do not misunderstand my comments here.  I
know you are upset.  I have just stated my opinion.  period.        meg
[Posted in FML issue 1276]