Dear Gail,
I've worked with computers in an industrial-automation environment for many
years.  I'm also a Patriot, so I'm afraid of the Government as it is today.
Several years ago some truck-tire manufacturer developed a tiny transceiver
(it TRANSmits and reCEIVEs) which they imbedded into truck tires for ease of
tracking their product.  It's like an electronic bar-code.
The way the transceiver works is fairly simple:  an antenna in the "bug" is
connected to both a capacitor, which powers the transmitter and to the
transmitter's output.  When a radio signal hits the antenna, the energy
imparted charges the capacitor, which fires, setting off the transmitter,
which broadcasts a digital code, which is received by the bigger transceiver
that started it all.  The bigger transceiver receives this code and
displays, records, or retransmits it to some computer.
The "bugs" are tiny, a tad smaller than a Pentel 0.5mm pencil's eraser (the
skinny green ones).  As such, they wouldn't be noticeable implanted
subcutaneously in an animal or a human.
Call me paranoid, but if you remember the tattoos applied to the Jews in
Germany, plus consider the totalitarian tendencies of the rulers of our
country today, you can easily see why I worry about this technology a *lot*.
Suspect anyone who wants, even innocently, to implant one of these in your
pet.  They'll want to "stick it to" you next, I promise!
They're lying to you if they say these implants can be used to track wayward
pets.  The implant's output power, and therefore its range, is very limited.
The real use of these devices implanted into pets is so government agents
can identify the pet's owner without actually having to WORK at their jobs
and catch strays like they're supposed to do.
Next, they'll probably use these as "secure ID" devices.  "A criminal could
steal your credit card, your driver's license, etc.," they'll say, "but not
your implant".  They'll try to sell you on the convenience of just waving
your <name implanted body part here> past some dark spot on the checkout
counter and "tada!", your purchase is automatically debited from your
account.  Pretty neat, huh?  NOT!  What if your government decided that you
shouldn't be allowed to roam about freely any more?  What if you wanted to
Be Free anyway?  The implant becomes your slave-chain, and your life belongs
to the government...
Read your bible.  Especially, in Revelations, the part about "the mark of
the Beast".  Then think long and hard about just how easy it would be for
technology, in the wrong hands, or devised by the wrong minds, to fill in a
lot of the 'gaps' in that horror story!
Leave the implants in tires.  Take responsibility for and care of your pets.
And fear your government -- they loathe you, but want to use you as a
"resource".  Unless, that is, you'll take responsibility for your government
and apply control by your vote...
Read your Constitution and Vote by it!!
Good luck.
[Moderator's note: That's kinda off the topic Jimbo... this isn't a very
political list except when ferrets are directly involved.  BIG]
The Family:
Bonnie: "There's a dance or two in the old gal yet, tojours gai, tojours gai!"
Peeper: What a noise for a name!  Perfect Professional Pet.  I'll miss you,
Ferret GT: The Geriatric Terrorist, Fast and Sporty with "four-on-the-floor"!
Cody: Ferret Aviator and bon vivant, leaping into the void for fun.
Birch: "Handsome Handful of Dancin' White Devil at your Service!"
Frank: "I Gotta nose like a possum but I'm 100% Lovable Ferret Boy!"
Tyler: "I've been good!  Make them stop following me!"
P-Nut & Jimbo: "Thank you, Peter Pan!!"
[Posted in FML issue 1276]