I have owned ferrets for the past 11 years.  I am not an expert in any
sense of the word.  Just try to educate myself (and my vet) on these
beautiful creatures, just as everyone on this list does.
I heard about this pair of 4 year olds whose personality seemed like they
would mesh good with my other two.  Was only looking for one more ferret,
but you know that old saying, "Whats one more".  So I adopted from my local
rescue this couple.  The previous owners though have me so ticked off, I
had to write.  The rescue got a call in January that this newly married man
wanted to give up his ferrets, he mentioned that they were going bald.  The
rescue asked him to bring them in right away.  Over the next several months
the man (and his wife) kept setting up appointments to drop the ferrets
off, but wouldn't keep the appointments.  The rescue suspecting adrenal
tumors in both ferrets called and tried to explain that the ferrets needed
medical attention right away, please bring them in.  Finally on May 29th
they did.  The resuce got them in for surgery in beginning of June.  They
were two very sick ferrets.  The male not as bad as the female.  I called
to adopt them a couple weeks ago.  The rescue explained that the female was
very bad off and I would have to wait until she stablized.  I called back
after a couple weeks and the rescue explained her condition; completely
hairless, very thin, being feed every few hours, but seemed to not be at
deaths door anymore.  I asked if I could go ahead and try my hand at
nursing her back to health, the male is in great health (no hair yet on the
tail, he needs the hair club for ferrets).  The rescue knowing that I have
had ferrets for a long time and have a 14 year old son to help with the
feedings said if I wanted to give it a shot she'd let me, but if I had any
problems to bring them back and she'd keep nursing them.  I have had them
for four days and seeing the condition she is in breaks my heart.  How on
earth can anybody be so stupid to let animals get in this condition.  The
owners had an easy out in January.  They could have just dumped the ferrets
and walked away from their problems.  But nooooo, they had to be so
inconsiderate that they just left them (probably always caged) for months.
I feel like going over and slaping them across the face.
The rescues do so much, putting up with people like that.  How do you all
keep your patience.  Nursing these little guys and gals back to health
after they have been ignored.  You all deserve a round of applause.  I
don't think I could do it even though I love ferrets dearly.  If anybody
runs across owners like this please get them to hand those ferrets over
quickly to someone who cares.  This is animal abuse and I wish they could
be fined or something.  Pray for my little lady, she still could have many
many happy ferret years left.
Faith and her furry four
using her bosses e-mail
Graham Gibbs - [log in to unmask] - Washington, D.C.
[Posted in FML issue 1275]