I've heard the best bit of advice crossing the Kal ifornia border,
besides having the obvious hidden under a pile of jackets, is when they ask
how far or where are you coming from, or what's the furthest point east
your coming from, just answer Phoenix, and so far 100% of the time they
simply say ok, have a nice day.  The main purpose of the inspection
stations are protecting their very large cash crops, fruits & veges.  They
want to catch anyone having plants on them that can carry little bugs that
wreak havock on this industry.
        A couple of years ago they were spraying whole towns with Malithion
(sp.) to kill the Medfly.  Even people's cars were getting slimed in the
        Good luck, stay cool... a good a/c system & don't turn off the car
ever if they're inside & it's warm outside.  Carry 3 sets of keys, one in
the ignition, 1 in your pocket, 1 in the pocket of a friend traveling with
[Posted in FML issue 1275]