The Midwest is having a terrible time with fleas.  Several cats have
died from severe infestation (causing anemia) and hairballs.  It makes
sense this could happen to ferrets too.  Please keep a close watch on
your little ones as many seem not to be as bothered by those pesky little
bloodsuckers as dogs and cats.  The shelter is full up with boarder
ferrets so owners can eliminate the flea problem at home.  The usual
stay is 2 weeks - long enough to bomb twice.  Our carpets were treated
by a pest control company and that seems to be working well (I can lay
on the carpet every night and not one flea has jumped on me).  Incoming
ferrets are bathed before coming in and we use the flea comb each night.
(I don't like overdoing the pesticides) Friday night is bath night for
all ferrets and maybe the dogs too.  We use a citrus shampoo and rinse
with Avon skin-so-soft.  We've increased the Petromalt to a more regular
schedule to help with any hairballs.  I've received several calls from
worried ferret parents.  Not only the animal but the environment (inside
and outside) must be treated.  I put flea collars on the dogs (couldn't
find any that were Pyrethrin based though) and spray or powder them
weekly (afterall they are the ones that go outside).  I've had people
come into our home and their fleas jump on me and when I've gotten into
their vehicles the fleas jump on me too, that's how bad it is here.
Hugs to all.  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1274]