Bones - K-Mart carries a great puppy bone and the ferrets love them.  I
throw a handful on the floor and the dogs and whatever ferrets are around
scramble to get them.  They are the perfect size for ferrets.  K-Mart
also carries another dog treat that the ferrets love - Yogurt Drops.
Condolences to all that have lost loved ones.  I may not post often but I
read every issue and share everyones pain and sorrow.
Lots going on at our new home.  I even saw 4 ferrets (Nosette, Balistic,
Duff, Bud, Coco), oh 5, use the litterbox!!!!  How wonderful!!!  I haven't
gotten the back enclosure completed yet - it is a 12'x15' caged/ screened
area that will eventually be open 24 hours a day for the ferrets but the
ground was not level and we have a good foot gap under one end and the
person putting it up never came back to finish so....  It wouldn't be too
difficult if I hadn't decided I wanted a 3x12 ft strip of grass in there
for the ferrets to play in.  Me and my ideas!  It will need done soon
since they've discovered the kitchen door leads somewhere.
And you've heard of Bundt cake.  Well yesterday I opened the lazy suzanne
(I check if frequently for ferrets) and Marley was curled around inside
the cake bundt pan!  His little front legs were sticking straight up and
he looked so comfortable.  I'm still sleeping on a mattress on the floor,
I like waking up and looking over to the pile of clothes in the corner to
see sleeping ferrets just arms length away.
Bud and Ferry both have lost most hair behind the neck and Bud has a line
lost up the front of both front legs.  It's off to the vet sometime in
Augsust, need to take Poto too for her enlarged spleen check.  Might as
well take them all at once, thank goodness I have an understanding vet.
We discovered a product called Sunbreeze works wonders on fussing ferrets.
I put just a touch on the back of the neck of the one being picked on and
the others leave them alone.  Sunbreeze can be found in health stores and
works wonderfully for healing and deterring.  Also works well on human
feet and hands if you have a little nipper.  One sniff and they are gone
without even a second thought.  Oh it also works if you have a sore throat
just a drop or two in your mouth, and heals cuts and abrasions quickly.
Hugs to all.  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1271]