Good news this morning I wish to share with you....
I wrote earlier this week that Gabby, my 3 month old (?) from the Humane
Society....has finally begun to come out of her mental shell!
Ever since I picked her up from the Humane Society, the little lady has been
kind of withdrawn from me and Mindy, my 5 month old...
She'd let Mindy tug her around by her scruff, sleep with Mindy...but didn't
really participate in games, although Mindy has tried very, very hard. Gabby
has ignored my presence.....except for food. She was very tense physically,
had lost a fair amount of hair (youth or stress? not sure) when I brought
her home from the shelter. Her hair began growing immediately after I
brought her home. The falling out has become non-existant, but the distant
mind had persisted. I guess physical ailments are much easier to heal than
spiritual well being sometimes....
Well.....last night was about the 4th/5th time Mindy,Gabby and I did the
apartment hallway / outdoor walk thing all at the same time.
But last night! Guess who got interested in running around and war dancing
all of a sudden? Gabby then had to go pee bad during the walk....and wanted
back into the apartment quick like! Mindy did as well later on in the
night....waited until we got into the elevator....and couldn't hold it any
longer-had a hearty laugh over that one. I am estatic to see Gabby wanting
to play with me.....She'd never wanted to do this before.....and I wasn't
sure I'd ever be asked to either.
This morning ! I wake up, look down at the two playing on the
floor.....Guess who was pouncing on who today? Gabby was in full throttle on
Mindy, and Mindy was loving it! Those two went solid for 20 minutes!
The Gabster has reached out to us! I've been let into her personal space!
Wonderful is all I have to say....I'm sooooo happy!!
Onward and upward me lady ferret..........the three of us are going to have
a blast....!
Rob, Mindy & Gabby...
Mindy-"ya know....the bathroom is really cool.....Left a poop there....nya
nya! Top that one!"
Gabby- "Hmph.... bin there, did it, done it, left my mark....."
[Posted in FML issue 1300]