I've noticed a few issues coming up, which I require help with as well. Will
find out more information on Thursday before I post them in detail.
Potty Training Gabby, and Re-training the already potty trained Mindy
Ferret Books- why the lack of? Anyone working on more? Where can I get more
Ferret Walking / Training - Mindy's fine.....Gabby, on the other hand, is a
very difficult task....
Ferret show in Ontario - do we have any up here? I've been to many cat/dog/
farm animal shows, but I've never seen ferrets before...
Black footed Ferrets and American Ferret groups - what's been happening with
the Black Footed ferrets and why the need for the Ferret Groups. Is a lot of
negative issues arrising south of the Canadian border.
Signing off....
Rob (Did Gabby just wake up?...Lisa, Quick! Run for her and put her in the
litter....Ho Boy!....too late....)
Lisa (You cleanin' that up Rob? She's YOUR ferret!)
Gabby (Ahhhh....much better....I wish they'd stop putting those boxes in the
corners...Now I've got to find a new corner...)
Mindy (Hey, what's this....? I didn't know Rob's letting her do that
here.....oh well...monkey see, monkey do!)
[Posted in FML issue 1299]