Dear FML: I was interested in Dick B.'s post regarding Sam and love.  When
you are very busy and nursing a sick ferret or two and caring for a large
group, it is understandable that time spent with the sick one is spent in
nursing care.  Despite all we do, the best cure is always lots, and lots of
love and attention.  And this goes for all the healthy ones running around
and getting into things.  This especially comes home to me when it seems
that all I have done for several days is retrieve a naughty ferret from
trashing things, or picking up behind, or removing them from the middle of a
work project.  Sometimes I think an especially naughty ferret is - just like
a child - misbehaving to get your attention.  When I make a point to
initiate a game, play, tickle, hug, talk, kiss, rough-up and one on one for
time with someone who has been annoying - that ferret usually goes nuts and
is very, very happy for the attention and play.  Thus, I try to give
everyone special time each day.
When I have a sick fuzzy, or one recovering from surgery, I often carry the
ill one around with me, by the simply tucking him/her into my clothing and
carrying close to my heart.  I find I can get a lot done and still have my
fuzzy tucked warm and close, and cuddled.  Women have the advantage here
because bras are good "resting places" for ferrets!  :).  I also sleep with
sick ferrets tucked close to me.  This, of course, is not a good idea
immediately after surgery, or if you are dealing with an injury where the
ferret must be kept relatively quiet.  Hospital cages stay close to me no
matter where.
I know I have "saved" ferrets on several occasions by holding and
walking the floor with them all night and sometimes for several days.
I also baby-talk to the ferret and sing silly songs while cuddling.
Never under-estimate the power of love.    meg.
[Posted in FML issue 1298]