I recently adopted a 4 or 5-year old female ferret who had not been trained
to use a litter box, or even a corner.  It was rough going for about 3
months, because she went anywhere and everywhere - just dropping in
mid-stride in the middle of the room to go.  For training, she was
disciplined with a loud "NO!" (no physical discipline) when she messed up
and was carried to and placed in the closest litterbox.  I would also wake
her up several times a day (knowing that they most often have to go right
after having woken up) and did not allow her to leave the litterbox until
she was done.  She was also praised lavishly, skritched, and given Linatone
whenever she went in the litterbox.  (We did have to use at least one
litterbox in every room at first).  After 2 months she was about 50-50, and
at 3 months of training was up to 90% good hits.  Now she rarely messes up.
Ferrets are extremely intelligent.  Given the right motivation and training,
I don't think Julie Paulauskas would have it very hard with a 4-month old,
given that mine had 4 or 5 YEARS with no training.  So go ahead and adopt!
I'm sure the rewards will be worth the effort.
- Erika (and Sasha, Misty, and Lizzie the pooper)
[Posted in FML issue 1296]