    Well, it has been a week and a half since I got the new ones.  I changed
their names, didn't care much for the ones they had.  Anyway the male is now
Merlin, and the female is now Crystal.  She has toned down quite a bit and
has stopped attacking me since the first day.  She still occassionally wants
to bite, but not as hard, and is learning slowly not to.  Merlin is just a
big teadybear.  Never bit, very friendly.  However, I have been very
frustrated about the fact that Mickey and Niki won't treat them well.  I've
had to keep them seperated for the most part, alternating them in the cage.
Whenever all four are out, Mickey and Niki go into search and destroy mode.
If poor Merlin or Crystal are sleeping somewhere M & N will find them and
attack them by the neck.  What a way to wake up.  Mickey and Niki are
constantly in trouble with this.  I don't know what to do.  Merlin & Crystal
do nothing to provoke these attacks, and usually are just minding their own
business.  Worse, they won't fight back, they just cry and try to get away.
I'm really going to have to get Niki descented (only one not) now because
she is really stinking up the place when she attacks one of the newbies.
I'm so disappointed with M&N's behavior.  I don't know what to do about it.
Am I going to have to keep them seperated for life or what?  I've checked
Merlins and Crystals necks and they have bite marks and tiny scabs from
being bitten so hard.  I always chaperone them when all four are out and
break up the atttacks as soon as I can when I hear one start to scream.
Someone told me to let them duke it out, but I'm really afraid M&N are
trying to kill them.  I know other people are having the same problem.  Is
there any hope that they will ever get along?  This is getting old.
Desperate in Delaware........
[Posted in FML issue 1296]