Hi all!
To begin with, I would like to announce our second edition to the family.
She's a 3 month old female (I don't know if she's Sable, Minx, or
what, I
haven't really figured all of that out yet) who ,right now for lack of
anything better, is named Weazy.  We got her from an acquaintance that bought
her about a month ago and then changed her mind about wanting a ferret.
I have a couple of questions that I was hoping someone could answer for me.
First, when we were giving the girls their weekly bath, and we noticed that
Snickers has fleas something fierce!!  What is the best way to get rid of
fleas in ferrets?  We used some flea shampoo for cats called Tiny Tiger.
The main ingredient is Piperonyl Butoxide, Technical and the concentration
is 0.555% (The bottle says it is equivalent to 0.445 of Butycarbityl).  Also,
Pyrethrins at 0.055%.  I don't know what any of these things are, but I'm
assuming they're pesticides.  After the flea shampoo we washed them again
with Pert Plus for Kids, which is something we learned on the FML.
Second, when we got Snickers (she's our 7 week old female) we got that cage
that ended up having bars that were too far apart and she could walk right
through!  I knew that after she got older, the cage would be okay.  However,
to remedy the situation, we sewed some screen to the lower half of the cage
and then made a top so she couldn't climb over and get out.  That was all
fine but now that Weazy is here, I'm somewhat worried.  Will she chew on it,
has anyone had a similar situation?  Its nylon screen if that makes any
difference, we used that because we thought that Snickers might get hurt on
metal screen.
Third, cords.  What do I do about all of the cords, power, computer, etc.?
I've heard that bitter apple works, sometimes.  Any suggestions?
Fourth, in looking for suitable types of bedding for our little carpet sharks
we thought that maybe using braided rag rugs would be good for the bottom of
the cage.  The rug that we are using now isn't frayed at the edges so  don't
see any problems, once again, any suggestions?
I think that's all for now, thank you all, in advance for all of your elp.
Sean & Billie
Snickers (I was here first, but I guess you can play with my toys)
Weazy (Here kitty, kitty, kitty.........CHOMP!)
[Posted in FML issue 1262]