I hate annonymouse posting just for this reason....
To whoever has the 3 week old kit they are hand feeding....
Buy some canned Iams cat food, mix it in with the puppy formula, and put it
in a very small shallow dish.  Let the kit eat.  My kits are 4 weeks old
yesterday (7/21) and they are already demanding mush, blind as they are.  I
kept finding one in the jill's food dish!
You may have to help stimulate the rear end into some more action.  Just take
a warm washcloth and gently "lick" the end under the tail to help keep the
kit open.  Don't trust it to work on it's own just because you have seen
something coming out without your assistance.
If you need any other advise or are in my area (Northern VA) - give me a call
- 703-354-5073 Pam Grant
[Posted in FML issue 1262]