Re: My ferret, the Cow-Killer - A toy question
To borrow a phrase, phone cords should be "right out." ;) We had never had
any problems with cord chewers until we got a different phone, same
curly-cord, just different phone.  Squirt began his fanatical devotion to
conquering the dreaded phone cord.  'Jinx saw Squirt's manic chewings and
decided that she wanted to "kill some cord" too.  Given enough time, they
would have chewed the cord to bits - ingesting plastic bits in the process.
Since we wanted none of that, the phone is now on the wall out of ferret
Watch those tv remotes. The rubbery buttons are oh so fun to chew!
        Re: Lurker's Anthem
ROTFL!!! Are the Fuzzles going to be on MTV's (Mustelid TV) Unplugged
anytime soon?
        Re: large farm ferret (Pan Grant's 5lb MF ferret)
We have a MF who is very close to (if not over) 5 lbs and is 7 months old.
He is most appropriately named Atlas!  :) He is the biggest, most lovable
dumb lug you ever wanted to meet!  He is a ferret of brawn rather than
brain, but that's ok.  He's very playful and seems to not have a mean bone
in his body.  (IMO, I don't think he's smart enough to be mean!) He thunders
around crashing into everything in site - subtlety is not his forte.  One
problem though, litter training has been h*ll.  Ever corner seems to be
given his gifts!  He just hasn't comletely caught on.  Oh well...he'll
figure it out eventually.........
        Re: Ferret Trek: the Kibble Generation
Captain Jean Dook Fercard has been kind of busy lately in the Kibbeloni
System getting the much needed Dilithium crytals and Ferretone.  He hopes to
have a few minutes soon in order to catch up on his personal logs.  I'll
relay them on to you when he does.  ;)
Kimberly Burkard        |             _      _      _      _    Furry frenzy -
Xerox, Rochester, NY    |      _____C .._._C .._._C .._._C .._. ferret frolic!
[log in to unmask] | ____/     \___/  \___/  \___/  \___/  (Squirt, Pippi,
[log in to unmask]<____/\_---\_\ _--\_\ _--\_\ _--\_\    Atlas, Hijinx)
[Posted in FML issue 1260]