Two questions for the cognoscienti:
1) We recently started fostering two older ferrets (appx. 5 years). Both came
from the same poor environment. One, a black-eyed white, has coarse fur and
dry, itchy skin. No fleas, mites, etc. present. What's a good, safe way of
improving his skin and coat quality? Diet consists of Iams Kitten Food and
one or two Cheerios a day for treats. I'm afraid that too much shampooing in
the past might have contributed to the problem, but I've seen no change in
fur or skin quality in the three weeks he's been living with us, and he's had
no bath during that period.
2) Our long-time ferret Malachai recently recovered from a two-week bout with
diarrhea. Various antibiotics, etc. finally did the trick (If it was the
green poop, Dr. Williams, it was very nonstandard). Unfortunately, although
he ate and drank well throughout, he lost a little more than a pound through
the experience. To encourage him to take his meds, and to eat well, we
sometimes add a drop of honey to the crushed pill or the food dish, which
ensures that he'll take it all. Is a VERY small amount of honey, with all its
natural sugars, good/harmful for ferrets?
[Posted in FML issue 1258]