Does anybody care to hazard a guess as to why ferrets' sock stealing impulse
is so strong?  Scooter never steals ANY item of clothing except for socks
and Ace bandages, but all socks he can get at wind up under my bed.
Particularly if he can get into my roommate's room (forbidden territory, so
it *has* to be fun!).
He often gets quite angry when I take his spoils away, shaking his head
violently and hissing when I try to get him to let go.  Why does he do this?
Chris and Scooter
The Thievin' Weasel
(How do you tell the difference between weasels and stoats?
        One's weasily distinguished, while the other's stoatally different!)
Bellingham, WA
        I am Ferret of Borg
                The Litterbox is Irrelevant
                        Bitter Apple is Irrelevant
                                Your Socks Will Be Assimilated
[Posted in FML issue 1250]