        I had the same problem you described with my two ferrets in my
dorm room -- they seemed to be doing well, until time to move out.  When
I moved my bed away from the wall, the most horrible stench...well, I'm
sure you know what I mean.
        Several of my friends looked at the reulting stains, and snidely
told me I was screwed.  No WAY I was gonna get them out, and the damage
to the carpet...
        Anyway, I got the stains entirely out by using a wonderful
cleaner called NOW.  You can get it at Wal Mart or Sam's club.  it comes
in a big gallon bottle, with instructions on the side for dillution and
such.  ignore them. Pour the concentrate into the spray bottle and
saturate the stain, then let it sit for a few hours.  come back and spray
it again, then use a CLOTH (paper won't hold up) rag to scrub the hell
out of it.  It takes a long time, but you can get the stains out.  In my
case, I did the above treatment a couple of times, then rented a steam
cleaner and ran it over what was left of the stain...when I was done, you
couldn't tell anything at all had been there :)
        The best part of it is that the Now works on EVERYTHInG, and it's
(supposedly) entirely biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
Whether or not you care for the propaganda campaign, it does give one
peace of mind when the fuzzies are about.  They don't like the smell, but
it doesn't hurt them.
        Hope this helps!  Good luck!
PS) To keep them from going back under there, you might try saturating
the carpet (after its cleaned) with vinegar.  It will get the smell
(which your nose can't detect) out of the carpet and the padding, and
will hopefully let them know that that is NOT a potty area.  If they can
smell their poop under there, it makes training harder.
Luck and raisins be with you!