To:  "Meg Carpenter, Chaotic Ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
I just read your story about Dusk, his life and leaving........I still have
tears in my eyes as he sounds just like my Rascal. I have had 5 ferrets in
the last 9 1/2 years and have lost only 2 of them. Each time about killed me
too. It's hard to loose any pet as they are like our children but remember
he's waiting for you at the Rainbow bridge with all of our other babies. Hugs
to you, (((((DUSK))))) and the rest of your gang.
To: Kurt and his beloved Paddington......
We've enjoyed all the great stories about this guy too and hearing of his
loss brought even more tears. We felt as if we knew him well. He'll be
greatly missed by all of us. Hugs to you both and especially to (((((
To everyone else that has lost thier fuzzies, dogs, cats, or whom
ever............our hearts go out to you also.
With loving thoughts and many tears.........Cheers, chuckles and dooks from
the crew.............Stinkey (the leader and chief in charge), Brandy (always
running cause there's never enough time), Rascal (the lover Boy) and their
Mama too!
[Posted in FML issue 1266]