To Sharon Staples asking about these treats, Lisa LOVES Pounce.  In fact I
am positive that she realizes that I haven't been giving her any lately.
I stopped because we were testing for a food allergy in the other ferret
who couldn't have any treats and I didn't want her to think Lisa was
getting special treatment.
Anyway, she also goes crazy over milk bones.
We have Alaskan Malamutes and they get the Large Dog milk bone biscuits.
Whenever Lisa could reach the box she would dive in and come stumbling
out with this milk bone that was almost as large as she.  Off and running
she would go to the nearest piece of furniture that I couldn't reach
under.  I always tried to take them away from her because I was worried
they were just too big and hard on her teeth and then she might try to
swallow a piece that was too large.  So now the box is in the forbidden
kitchen safe from the ferretburglar!
Happy ferreting,
Lindy and the girls--Lisa & Idgie
[Posted in FML issue 1265]